Weekly Horoscope for Cancer

Cancer Horoscopes

September 3, 2012 - September 9, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

BE a 'strong leader' lead by example and explain yourself often IF you are training or 'raising' children, pets or those who require strong input the 3/4th. Spending takes a trip 'up the scale' big time the 5/6th, especially for 'necessities' like food, repairs, reinforcement of foundations, driveways and roofs and 'elective rewards' like electronics and water related goodies; spa, pool or new bath/shower appointments. Make life more 'enjoyable'.

Love Horoscope

Romance does well this week BUT, requires strong focus, some sacrifice, a tad bit of spending [you'll need to control!] and a willingness to 'allow a partner, in-law or important member to reveal or express 'emotions' behind the REASONS for things done, said or requested. 'Get to the bottom' of issues near the 5/6th with tact, especially if elders or power people are involved and be willing to 'spend thinking time' talking or listening the 7/8th before proceeding with discipline, choices, changes or spending. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

Coax a pal to 'fess up' and rid themselves of emotional burdens you can SEE or 'sense' are holding them back, especially in career goals or romantic 'healing' particularly near the rather 'needy emotional times' of the later hours of the 3rd and 6th or mid days on the 7th AND 8th. Let a 'group discussion' unfold the 9th to do your work for you!

Career Highlights

Here we see 'each day' having its own 'needs or requirements' and with careful awareness and 'thoughtfulness' you can 'manage' each one successfully! Let me help! The 3rd requires professionalism and 'cheer' even in the face of other energies less attractive. The 4th may see you 'put in charge' of more than expected; get advice, research and 'test' before 'committing yourself'. The 5th is your 'best day' for cooperation and ease, especially IF you call upon Taurus, Virgo, Aries, Leo or the finance industry in any form. The 6th requires tact, stalling and 'letting the other guy act/move first'. The 7th is SO busy and so 'chucked full of opportunity' that its best use is to 'start early and work late' brown bag and stay at it!


VERY promising!

Overview for Cancer

State of Mind:

In need of 'daily awareness setting/s and resetting'!

Karma Numbers:

3, 6, 9, 12, 20

Buzz Words:

Nothing is 'routine'.

Compatible Sign(s):

Taurus, Virgo

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by possible fraud or deceit. You'll be able to achieve your immediate goals if you learn to listen closely to others. Verify your information and obtain written reference material. There's no reason to take everything quite so personally. Don't jump to any conclusions right away, allow some time to soften your overall view of things. You'll need the time to digest your thoughts & emotions. Patience will be required in order to understand others perspective. Another Leo native figures prominently. Reconnect with what excites you and rejoin the life that's going on outside your door. By week's end, you should make time to enjoy some peace & quiet at home. Read more...

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