Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

March 31, 2014 - April 6, 2014

Private Life *
Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Family and Personal Life

Cooperation may be born out of 'common goals' with certain members this week; find out WHICH ones they are by digging a bit through a chit-chat with each, but you may find Gemini, Aries, Taurus and Cancer MOST cooperative and eager to play 'tit for tat'. Delegate out duties, cull favors for yourself and get the 'lay of the land' for THIS week before the 1st is over. Your stars DO show some issues/problems may easily surface the 3rd, as it is a 'weak day' with several problems to be solved, particularly with Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn and parents/elders of any sign. Getting 'what you want' for the weekend, especially, may be essential and once we are past the 2nd, negotiation become tough until the 4th again. Fortunately, you do not show any 'down time' but there ARE some 'constraints' likely and you may want to work on ridding yourself of them in exchange for more 'reliable freedoms'. Big grin!

Love and Romance

Romance is one of the things you definitely are going to WANT 'reliable freedoms' FOR. Make your plans, remove obstacles, insure you have 'built up lots of good brownie points' and lock in your plans no later than the 2nd for week day goals and bedtime the 4th for weekend plans. It is an excellent week for upgrades to more serious status AND, for 'finally getting' the attention of someone who may have been 'dangling you' previously. It is also a lucky week for singles who are 'looking'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship and Social Life

Your pals and you are likely to have MANY 'good times' this week; some unexpected and some 'well planned'. Shared hobbies, goals and dreams are the mortar that appear to cement things together. Communicate OFTEN over any big or important events or plans so your pal is not left 'dangling' AND, remind your pal to do the same for you so there are NO mistakes and 'NO attitudes'.

Career Advancements

IF you are an employed, adult Totter, than you will have a busy, demanding and productive week, especially the 1st, when you may be handed responsibilities you can 'work off of later' the 3rd when you are likely handed BIG project that you can 'really establish yourself and reputation on NOW' and the 4th, when others need solutions and 'wrap ups done RIGHT' and TODAY. If your career is 'looking for work' then you may get very lucky the 31st, 2nd or 4th and if your job, because you are a youth, is 'staying out of trouble' then be VERY careful the AM of the 1st and all day the 3rd!

Financial Outlook

Fair to rather good! A 'financial surprise' is likely for a reasonable cross section of you the 2nd

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

In very good humor and rather 'talkative'.

Karma Numbers:

5, 6, 11, 12, 91, including 1991.

Buzz Words:

Be as 'original' as you can.

Compatible Sign(s):


General Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is highlighted by your ability to adjust your perspective, a little. You are not comfortable with imperfection, however you need to realize that the past is the past. New and exciting adventures are on your agenda. Lead rather than being led. Your beliefs are very important to you. You could even be falling in love. If you're already in a relationship, you could experience a renewal of the feelings that started it all. You'll feel at home where ever you are. Music and poetry are all around you. Make the best use of your talents, and everything else will follow suit. Lucky Numbers: 7, 14, 24, 27, 47, 48 Read more...