Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
January 14, 2013 - January 20, 2013
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Clear your plate as best you can because your stars show things are likely to really 'heat up' for you the week of 1/21 and you'll need as many errands and responsibilities off your back as you can get. Do NOT 'stall off' on anything this week that can be done NOW. Respect your ESP insights big time the 18th and it will save you time, grief, money and reputation, especially as it relates to Aries, Taurus, Cancer or Pisces members or any 'money situation' that may be afoot and you 'discover at the last minute'.
Love Horoscope
Some of you are prone to 'build too many hopes and expectation/s' into the 15th to 17th and may find disappointment and/or frustration, that if NOT 'governed' and handled correctly, could spiral out of control and take until as soon as the 19th or as far out as the 23/24th to fix. Be willing to 'accept' what a partner is 'able to offer'. Singles do very well this week with hot potential the 16th to 20th and 'life long' returns possible! Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
An exciting chance to add a really, good 'new friend' to your 'strand of pearls' really makes your week, month, day or year! The universe may say 'no' to you on one issue in life and then compensate you but handing you the GEM of a 'great new friend' sometime between the later hours of the 16th to later hours of the 18th, with Libra, Capricorn, Taurus, Aries and Cancer most promising.
Career Highlights
This can be a VERY 'fast moving week' and you appear to be 'setting the groundwork' for big projects slated for the week of the 21st or any time in early Feb. Some of you are already 'aware' of this one while others may be taken 'totally by surprise' and 'at the last minute' near the 16th to 20th; on site or off. Others 'over your head' moving up/on are THE most likely cause for powerful upgrades.
About to become VERY good but may be slightly 'costly' at some times this week.
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Eager but easily disappointed.
Karma Numbers:
1, 5, 9, 10, 11
Buzz Words:
Mighty Oaks from little acorns grow.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by misunderstandings, or miscommunications. You are a very generous person, but someone's request may be going a little too far. One false word could create havoc. Your communication and intuitive skills are very strong, use them. You've got the moves to smooth and soothe even the wildest beast, boss or mate. Kids are putty in your hands and potential lovers will enjoy being around you. Just be yourself. You're so charming when you're feeling in control. You love to talk, however, do best to communicate carefully. Every syllable will be scrutinized. For that reason, it's probably better to say less than more. Prepare your answers in advance. Ad-libbing probably will not work. Read more...
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