Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
December 24, 2012 - December 30, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Cooperation may be poor the 24th into 25th and relying upon your own insights and abilities by 'flying it alone' may be your best recourse. Long talks are indicated the 25/26th and they appear to bring more than just insights and 'good news' but may solve old problems and create much 'stronger bonds' with members, especially Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn and Leo. A very busy and demanding 30th is indicated and you may have to 'scrape up' some energy to 'see it through'.
Love Horoscope
Romance does well this week, especially the 27th and 29th but NOT the 25th, 28th and 30th when negotiations and how 'tactful you are with them' may make all the difference between containment/success and 'out of control or escalating' issues for paired Totters. This is not a good week for singles but the 26th appears very promising all day and parts of the later hours of the 28th may be helpful for matches that 'at least have a chance'. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Some of you may 'run yourselves ragged' this week trying to 'do/have it all' not missing or leaving out' ANY pal/s. You're only one person! How about a set of gatherings? One for work pals, another for hobby pals and etc.? Your 'best days' for arranging such things appear to be the 26th, 27th, later hours of the 28th and any time on the 29th.
Career Highlights
With a 'short work week' likely for so many of you, it's good to know you'll be missing your most/more 'challenging and uncooperative' days of the 24/25th. Not that they are 'bad' but there are several spots of places for mistakes and vulnerabilities, especially the 25th and those of you who WORK that day, may easily find that out! Swift communications and cooperative energies are likely the 26th, answers come fast the 27th but facts are easily distorted the 28th; double check any 'in and then out' communications or duties/materials.
Fair only
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Slightly 'vulnerable/gullible'.
Karma Numbers:
4, 7, 11, 45, 64
Buzz Words:
Grace under pressure
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by a bit of a conflict over your various responsibilities. A big project at work could keep you working after hours and your mate may not be too pleased at a break in the normal schedule. Perhaps they may not be as adaptable as you are. Smooth things out, try not to talk about money concerns, if possible. Better days are ahead. You are sharp as a tack, but try not to be too sharp. Watch what you say to co-workers, because you may offend someone. Read more...
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