Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
November 12, 2012 - November 18, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Cooperation is poor the 12th and complaints are prevalent, especially by spouse, in-laws, Scorpio, Aries, Libra and Pisces but if you 'placate them' instead of 'challenge' you'll have less grief the 13th, when your fuse appears to shorten. Some of you will not make it and get 'pushed over the line' and for those of you who do, it may be best to limit you comments and guard your vocal tones; hit them with the truth but 'know when to quit' when you've made your point. You'll be able to tell by the length of their 'jaw drop' at the sheer surprise you've spoken up! Your overall attitude improves drastically and quickly the later hours of the 14th and roles may actually 'switch' and you become the one who 'lightens all situations'. A sudden 'change' is indicated near the 16th but it appears to be one 'for the better' and the faster you adapt, the more you may glean from it. Spending MAY go on the rise but we 'well worth it' especially for improvements in entertainment, appliances, electronics, vehicles, gifting and travel the 16th to 18th.
Love Horoscope
Trysting is likely this week, even in 'older established' status, especially to entertain or to bring 'more intimacy' back into the match, especially IF Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Gemini, Libra or other Juggers are involved. Someone may be desperately waiting on you to 'show more enthusiasm' thereby, causing them to 'open up more' particularly Capricorn and Scorpio. This IS a good week for singles but NOT until after the 15th. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
You value your pals and any sign that you can 'be of service' is cause for excitement for you! You may need to rescue a pal emotionally, mentally or spiritually near the 13th when they are 'at the end of their rope'. In some 'rare' cases, this one may be a pal who is thinking of 'ending it all;' watch for signs of depression or 'behavior or talk' of just such a 'mental space' especially IF they are Taurus, Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces, other Totters or any sign having financial or sexual 'crisis'. You may 'save a life' but not know it for some time.
Career Highlights
Image is almost everything this week and you are a master of projecting yours 'no matter what is REALLY going on!' Dress the part and enter 'each day' ready to deal with the changing tide. The tide calms quickly the 15th but each day the 12th to 14th may have its own unique requirements. A 'quick change' mid afternoon the 12th may cause a scramble; just fix it and worry later about solving it. You may end the day the 13th feeling 'odd and out of it' but just push on! A 'unique and untypical solution' may be used the 14th; be willing to 'get/be creative'.
Spotty but overall good.
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
In charge and insightful!
Karma Numbers:
0, 4, 5, 10, 11 and any combo OF these, especially in phone numbers and addresses.
Buzz Words:
You may make 'all the difference' this week.
Compatible Sign(s):
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by domestic & personal affairs. A good, solid understanding of yourself and your own needs is very helpful at this time. Recent events have given you the confidence to ask for the impossible. Take time to smell the flowers, you'll be glad you did. Petty jobs demand your time and attention. Don't worry, this is not permanent. In fact, you may find yourself in a much more sociable mood. Give yourself the right to try some different approaches, bold and direct, demure and indirect. A bossy person may shake your self-image. You needn't copy someone else's model to be successful yourself. Open the doors & be yourself. If you prepare properly, this could be a great adventure. You have to stretch if you want to keep an exciting relationship. Use this week end to catch up on phone calls, letters, or e-mail. Read more...
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