Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius
October 15, 2012 - October 21, 2012
Private Life 
Money and Job 
Full Weekly Horoscope
Day by Day Highlights
Cooperation is down right CRAPPY the 15/16th with rebellious youth, ungrateful members, interfering in-laws and troublesome spouses, even in cases where they are 'normally as sweet as pie'. Several errands and 'having to be in more than one place at a time' seems likely the 17/18th, with its demanding schedule/needs, especially for Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo, Aries or Libra members. Spending may go on the rise for vehicles and repairs the 18th to 20th.
Love Horoscope
Your 'old fashioned side' appears to dominate this week and romance 'yearns' for an itch to be scratched and scratched but GOOD! If NOT 'given what you want/need' you can become disillusioned or downright 'surly' by/before the 19th. Express or 'hint' your desires to a cooperative mate near the 16/17th for best results but 'zip it' the 15th. Singles do 'only ok' this week with any matches likely to start off 'slow' and somewhat frustrating. Read the weekly partner horoscope...
Friendship Forecast
Being or feeling 'left to dangle' is typical energy this week and IF it is a pal who 'puts you there' you may lose your patience quicker than if it's love or family! That's because in your psyche, they are 'safe' to 'blow at'. But if you find yourself expressing disappointment and it was not 'padded well' quickly fix or undo it! Favors are VERY likely to be done for you this week, some totally 'unsolicited'.
Career Highlights
Favors are likely to be done for you by coworkers or even power people and since they are likely to be done 'without your asking or expecting' you MAY have a reaction or 'attitude' about it. Manage your 'reaction/s' well and be ready to show gratitude and at least 'appreciation for the effort' even if what they do 'pancakes' or creates a problem for you! While this one is more likely to express itself in your personal/friendship life, for some Totters, coworker pals may be involved. How you 'behave and react' may be judged by power people, who could 'take it the wrong way'. Comport yourself well IF or WHEN any 'eyes' are watching!
Choppy but good overall.
Overview for Aquarius
State of Mind:
Unaware in some cases.
Karma Numbers:
6, 12, 22, 34, 51 and that includes 1951 and those born in it or companies formed during it.
Buzz Words:
Image and comportment is everything!
Compatible Sign(s):
Libra, and Sagittarius
Weekly Overview
This week's scenario is highlighted by time, schedules and your ability to know when to stop working. You can make headway early in the week, if you put your mind to it. You will be offered an opportunity to work some magic. Problems that older relatives face will become part of your life. Try to do what you can to help, but allow others to lessen your load. You don't have to let their troubles disrupt your personal life. By week's end, your excitement will overtake your serious side. You'll become a master at the art of change. Your focus should be on freeing yourself for making plans for the holidays. You may not receive a positive response from co-workers but once you show them how to have a good time, they'll come around. Read more...
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