Weekly Horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius Horoscopes

September 24, 2012 - September 30, 2012


Private Life *

Money and Job *

Full Weekly Horoscope

Day by Day Highlights

Travel and vehicle expense is also on the rise, especially near the 27th to 29th but appears to be in the 'lower end' range and therefore 'doable' possibly with money you have 'stashed for a rainy day'. Be ready to 'spend to RID yourself of an old problem' near the 24/25th as if you do NOT, then you risk spending going up sharply. Your insights are keen the 28/29th, thanks to the full moon, but be ready to be flexible and 'adaptable' BIG time...!

Love Horoscope

Romance may contain a LOT of 'ideal thinking' near the 24th to 26th as 'your idea/vision' of how it should be, what the outcome WILL be and how or what you 'expect' by way of 'reactions' may differ greatly from 'reality' especially the 25th. Be willing to 'make a new plan B'. It may be that YOU project some level of 'unreasonable hopes or expectations' upon a love interest; old OR new! This is NOT a good week for singles but the 25/26th does look promising all days long. Read the weekly partner horoscope...

Friendship Forecast

A conflict of sorts this week is that you rarely, if EVER 'expect' but you may have one 'in your lap' near the full moon the 27th to 30th, possibly due to a GROSS misunderstanding, especially IF Pisces, Aries, Libra, Cancer or other Totters are players. Also; too many cooks spoil the broth and if you 'blend friends' in small groups or big gatherings; think it through mentally FIRST.

Career Highlights

Hustle your butt and make hay while the sun shines as there is an impressive amount of hay to be made! Your stars show excellent opportunities and impressive profit potential in the 25th to 27th. Power people favor you, coworkers are 'cooperative' and progress moves swiftly, especially the 26th; which may prove to show you 'everything in ONE day!' Travel and/or success with long distance dealings is likely near the 27/28th but only if you have 'planned well' act FAST or have 'previously set it up'.


Very good

Overview for Aquarius

State of Mind:

Filled with 'expectations'.

Karma Numbers:

2, 11, 17, 25, 27

Buzz Words:

Compatible Sign(s):

Libra, Aries and other Totters.

Weekly Overview

This week's scenario is about love. If you are married or involved in a love relationship, a deepening of the relationship is likely at this time. You gain an even greater appreciation of each other. If you are involved in a new relationship, it will deepen and feel more permanent. It will take on the quality. This relationship will grow into good one. On other fronts, don't try to force issues or come to any definite conclusions now and don't sign any contracts which require too much compromise on . Read more...

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